
Freedom is in short supply these days. What passes for freedom is in reality privilege, which all governments can — and do — withdraw as they see fit. So what’s a freedom lover to do?

There are many possible answers, including: become a hermit, become a revolutionary, preach freedom and hope people come to their senses, and just live one’s life and hope. Or, create a free society and move there. That’s what this site is about.

Many problems have to be solved in the process. There is no obvious place to put a free society. Any of the available possibilities will require some serious design work to make a habitable place. The society’s government must be designed, along with supporting civil structures. The society’s relationship with the rest of the world must be defined. People have to be found to live there — people who want and will support freedom. The place has to be built, and people must move there.

This is obviously not a one person project. Rather, it will require the cooperation of many people, from those who are coordinating the project, to those doing the intellectual work, to those doing outreach, to those doing the physical work, and many more.

Here on this site I will collect the necessary people and get them working together to create a free society, a society in a city to be called Enterprise.